I found Crossfit through a friend who had gotten her Level 1 certification and was coaching, she encouraged me to give it a try, I was a little nervous being overweight and in my mid 40’s, but I walked into the gym and gave it a try, that was 3 and a half years ago!
Crossfit has completely changed my life, I had terrible anxiety attacks and through working with my coaches, I have become mentally stronger and I have managed to get this under control and even stop taking my anxiety medication totally. Through my community, I have made long lasting friendships that are very special and could never be replaced!
I had a stroke when I was in my early 30’s, so physically there are so many things that are a challenge, but for everything there ia a scaling option in Crossfit and this really boosted my confidence. I went from someone who was only able to lift a pvc pipe at the start to someone who can now lift weights, jump on a box, do burpees, push ups and most everything else that folks without physical limitations can do!
After being at Fireside for about 4 months, I heard about a nutrition challenge they were having, so I decided to take a look. I took a body scan and was completely shocked by my body fat percentage. I knew that I was over weight, but I never thought of myself as obese, this shocked me into action! I completed the 30 day nutrition challenge and did a further 90 day one on one with Coach Catie.
Learning about nutrition, completely changed my life, as of today I have lost 12% body fat and almost 40lbs in weight. I no longer take any medications for health issues that I had and I have found a new love for exercise, being able to enjoy the awesome Boise foothills where I run and hike. I have so much energy and feel like a completely new person!
My advice to you, is never give up, no matter how big the challenge is! Surround yourself with people who will support you on your journey and get yourself into a great Crossfit gym, where you will be challenged to step outside your comfort zone!